Mama Watch Me Dance!

A New YouTube Channel for Children!

MamaWatchMeDance is a brand new YouTube channel created by Melinda Fornero, dance instructor and owner of Music 'N Motion. After 20 years of bringing her standards-based dance classes to preschools and after-school programs throughout Southern California, Melinda’s acclaimed curriculum is finally available on-demand so your child can enjoy dance classes from the comfort of your home! MamaWatchMeDance raises the bar for children's educational, physical, and artistic at-home entertainment. Let's dance!

•Full 30-minute dance classes for ages 2-5.

•All the tools you need to host a grand finale performance right at home!

•A signature song written and recorded by LA's top musicians specifically for the app!

•Classes incorporate dance vocabulary, easy-to-learn choreography, rhythm & counting, music accompaniment with each exercise, and more!

•The perfect opportunity for parents to bond with their child while learning the dance together…or to enjoy 30 minutes to themselves each week!

What is Mama Watch Me Dance?

Mama Let’s Warm Up Includes:


A step-by-step plan with a silly approach will guide your child through a fun-filled, creative warm-up!

1st Warm up - STINKY TOES - point and flex, stretching feet, ankles, and toes

2nd Warm up - CHOP YOUR MOUNTAINS - leg stretch

3rd Warm up - HOT LAVA - upper body side stretch

An opportunity for our child to build a bond with Miss Melinda to continue Joyously with the classes!

Mama Let’s Dance Includes:

4-Weeks of Dance Classes

The class structure includes a Warm-up, Curriculum, Free Dance, Review & Quiet Time.

Week 1 - 1st & 2nd Position Arms, 1st Position Feet, Relevé and Ballet Run

Week 2 - Tendu, Spring Points & Chassé & Chassé w/Spring Points

Week 3 - Footwork, Échappé, Chasse w/Footwork

Week 4 - Parallel Jumps, Marching & Run & Curtsy/Bow

A private online community sharing your child's journey and accomplishments!

Mama Watch Me Includes:

A breakdown of a choreographed dance routine, "Mama Watch Me Dance." A song written for the app.

The class structure includes a Warm-up, Curriculum, Free Dance, Review & Quiet Time.

Week 5 - Beginning Pose, Introduction to Song & First Verse

Week 6 - Pre-chorus, Chorus & Review all

Week 7 - 2nd Verse, Review all

Week 8 - Build, 2nd Verse through Build

Week 9 - Out, Out Tag and Review all

Week 10 - Final Dance Performance for Family & Friends

A private online community sharing your child's journey and accomplishments!

What Are People Saying?

  • "I like to do dance with Miss Melinda and to do free dance. Miss Melinda loves me and makes me proud."

    - Emily, Age 5

  • "William immediately started mirroring you and tried to sit like you. He loved blowing on his legs to make them lay flat, and his favorite was making rainbows. He was giggling and excited and making silly faces. A definite success!"

    - Debra, William's Nanny (William, Age 3.5)

  • "I like when you get to dance and stuff. Putting on hats is weird and funny!"

    - Gavin, Age 3

Melinda began studying modern dance and jazz at the age of 14. From her first ballet class, she was determined to dance "en pointe" and relentlessly pursued this goal. Despite knowing that joining The Joffrey Ballet might not be feasible for someone starting dance later in life and not being a natural dancer, Melinda remained resolute in her faith and desire. Life events such as relocation, marriage, and having a child put her dream on hold. Still, she resumed studying ballet with Andrei Tremaine in 1987 after enrolling her daughter in ballet classes with Natasha Middleton. Tremaine reignited Melinda's passion for Pointe, and she pursued it tirelessly until achieving her goal.

Melinda's success was not defined by the height of her kicks but by the unwavering dedication and drive that she embodied. With this in mind, she developed a complete, diverse, and standards-based dance program suitable for children of all ages. Her dance curriculum celebrates the individual strengths of every dancer, regardless of their experience or talent level, and instills in them a love for movement and creativity through dance. The program culminates in end-of-term performances three times yearly to showcase the children's growth and success.

Melinda established this program in September 2000 and has since shared her unique approach to dance with thousands of children in school districts and private preschools all across Southern California.  Today, Melinda is thrilled at the opportunity to make her dance program more accessible for children with the launch of her mobile app, MamaWatchMeDance.

Meet Miss Melinda

Bringing families together for cherished in-home performances and helping children everywhere discover the joy of dance that I have found? It feels like my entire dance journey has been leading to this!
— Miss Melinda